Taiwanese group fights fake news with senior-focused conversations

08:35 01.04.2024

In Taiwan, a group called Fake News Cleaner is working tirelessly to combat the spread of disinformation, particularly targeting vulnerable populations such as seniors. With just one formal employee and a team of volunteers, the group has hosted over 500 events, connecting with people of all ages to educate them on how to identify and combat fake news.

The impact of fake news on individuals can be devastating, as seen in the story of a vegetable seller who lost sales because of a false rumor that his product caused cancer. Many older people, like Chuang Tsai-yu, are particularly susceptible to believing fake news due to their limited grasp on technology and the outside world. Chuang herself fell victim to a health-related hoax she saw online, highlighting the urgent need for education and awareness.

Fake News Cleaner takes an old-school approach to addressing the issue, going offline to reach those who may not be tech-savvy enough to access fact-checking websites or bots. By setting up stalls in churches, temples, and parks, the group engages with the community, offering free bars of soap as a metaphor for the scrubbing away of false narratives.

At a recent event at a community center in Taipei, seniors learned about why fake news is so compelling, with examples of sensational headlines spread through messaging apps like Line. The group's efforts have expanded beyond targeting seniors to include lectures at colleges and elementary schools, spreading awareness across Taiwan.

The co-founder of Fake News Cleaner, Melody Hsieh, was inspired to start the group after witnessing the divisive impact of fake news during a national referendum in 2018. She emphasizes the importance of patience and respect when educating people about the dangers of misinformation, emphasizing the need to bridge the gap between generations and tech literacy levels. With disinformation continuing to spread, the work of Fake News Cleaner remains crucial in scrubbing Taiwan of false narratives and their harmful effects.

/ Monday, 1 April 2024 /

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